Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I had the great fortune today of being interviewed by Marilyn Maki on CBC Manitoba for the noon show today! Thanks so much for Marilyn for helping me tell my David vs. Goliath tale of the small town that could!

My awesome partner, Frank, spent some time today figuring out how to record the online broadcast in MP3 form. He did an amazing job and I want to give him a special thank you in today's blog as he's been very patient with me during this quest... when I come home from work, completely ignore him, and spend hours working on the blog, the Facebook group, etc. Thanks hun!

With a little help from my lovely aunt... here's the link to my radio appearance!

Loving this contest so much... today I really want to express my gratitude to everyone who is voting for Waskada... I just really appreciate your dedication to this quest. If we win this thing, it will be because of the collective efforts of many incredible people! THANK YOU!

1 comment:

Prairie Girl Studio said...

my dear, you are a natural at this radio voice stuff!
thanks to marilyn and tom for interviewing you! (aren't they great?)
really enjoying your whole campaign!
really enjoying discovering all the artists and places across this country in this contest ... cool!
voting all the way ... every day ... for WASKADA!
prairiegirl xo